Aurora School & Community Kindergarten Shared Policies

Help for non-English speakers
If you need to understand the information in these policies please contact Aurora School on (03) 8878 9878 or email aurora.sch@education.vic.gov.au.

QA1 - Curriculum Development

QA2 - Administration of First Aid

QA2 - Anaphylaxis & Allergic Reactions

QA2 - Asthma Management

QA2 - Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing

QA2 - Dealing with Infectious Diseases

QA2 - Dealing with Medical Conditions

QA2 - SunProtection / Sunsmart

QA2 - Administration of Medication

QA4 - Participation of Volunteers and Students

QA4 - Photography, Filming and Recording Children

QA7 - Privacy and Confidentiality

Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforce Policy

ICT- Software Schools Risk Assessment Policy

Mental Health Engagement & Wellbeing (QA2)
Aurora School Community Kindergarten Policies
Aurora School Community Kindergarten (ASCK) has a range of policies that reflect best practice in Early Childhood Education. The policies are outlined under the headings of the 7 Quality Areas in line with the National Quality Standards (under the National Quality Framework). Please approach or contact the Director if you have a policy question or query.

QA1 - Educational Program & Practice

QA2 - Children's Health & Safety