Aurora School & Community Kindergarten Shared Policies
Anaphylaxis & Allergic Reactions (QA1)
Dealing with Infectious Diseases (QA2)
Asthma Management (QA2)
Privacy and Confidentiality (QA7)
Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing (QA2)
Administration of First Aid (QA1)
Dealing with Medical Conditions (QA2)
Curriculum Development (QA1)
SunProtection / Sunsmart (QA2)
Participation of Volunteers and Students (QA4)
Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforce Policy
Photography, Filming and Recording Children (QA4)
ICT- Software Schools Risk Assessment Policy
OH&S (QA3)
Aurora School Community Kindergarten Policies
Aurora School Community Kindergarten (ASCK) has a range of policies that reflect best practice in Early Childhood Education. The policies are outlined under the headings of the 7 Quality Areas in line with the National Quality Standards (under the National Quality Framework). Please approach or contact the Director if you have a policy question or query.